Handabhar chandane experimental theater national drama selected for the Festival Bharangama
Nashik, Maharashtra, (‘हंडाभर चांदण्या’) ' Handabhar Chandanya ' experimental theater national drama written by Datta Patil and directed by Sachin Shinde on behalf of the masters of the school of Marathi theater (NSD) 19 th Festival of India has been selected for (भारंगम) 'Bharangam'. A total of 600 of the country abroad applications selected 50. 19 Indian and overseas dramas was selected for the festival. Maharashtra is the only choice in Marathi experimental theater festival for the Handabhara Chandane this year. Handabhar Chandane scene This play is now ready to place on the international stage in which written by Datta Patil, directed by Sachin Shinde. India and around 600 from abroad applications 50 Indian, 1 to 9 have been chosen foreign dramas. 32 Indian theater experts, critics and scholars of the senior selection committee has chosen. The only information that the creators of Maharashtra Marathi experimental theater performances wer...