Shah Rukh Khan has his fingers crossed for Rohit Shetty's next offering Singham 2 and hopes that it surpasses the box office success of Chennai Express. Singham 2, a sequel to one of the biggest hits of 2011, Singham, will have Ajay Devgn reprising the role of Bajirao Singham. The first related stories Chennai Express makes SRK's two decades in Bollywood "worth it" Anupama Chopra's review: Chennai Express one had crossed Rs.100 crore mark. "I would pray that Inshallah his (Rohit Shetty) next Singham 2 does much more business than Chennai Express because he deserves it," Shah Rukh said here in an interview. SRK teamed up with Shetty for the first time in romantic comedy Chennai Express, which is still running superfast at the box office. The Rs.75 crore film not only earned over Rs.100 crore within first weekend, but it also crosse...